Monday 19 June 2017

Maroon Magic Smoothie

Maroon Magic Smoothie

This smoothie is high in antioxidant, rich in vitamin C & vitamin K with the addition of anti-inflammatory power.  Dragon fruit[1][2][3]   so many benefits and it even help to purge heavy metals from the body.  The inner pink skin[1][2] of this fruit contains a nutrient with powerful antioxidant which stays active in our bloodstream up to 75hours.  Thus it is recommended to scrape the  inner pink skin and consume it with the dragon fruit flesh. 

How to remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables

Ingredients  (for 4-6 servings)

1/4 cup alfalfa
1/4 cup coriander
handful of wakame (pre-soaked)
handful of wolf berries
5 slices of ginger
1 grapefruit
1 apple
1/2 cup frozen / fresh blanched purple cabbage
1/4 cup frozen / fresh blueberries
1TBS black sesame powder
1TBS flaxseed
1TBS pumpkin seeds
1TBS sunflower seeds
1TBS walnut
4 cardamom (extract the seeds pound them manually - I'm not using a high speed blender)
1/8tsp turmeric powder
1/8tsp ground black pepper

500ml filtered water


- Put the ingredients into the blender in the order as above.

- Blend for one minute or less, depends on blender strength.
- Voila!  Enjoy the magic!

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